Empowering & supporting female business owners through the ups and downs of running a business

We are tired of only see the business highlights reel on social media. Let’s put a spotlight on the real challenges, stress, tears, doubt and hard work that goes on behind the scenes and support each other through these challenges.

The Founder Wellbeing Project It is a community focussed on sharing the REAL stories behind creative & inspiring female-owned businesses: the wins and the success but also the challenges, the struggles, the imposter syndrome and what it really takes to build something from scratch. Think Humans of New York meets female business owners.

56% of small-business operators say running their own business has led to feelings of anxiety or depression, according to a survey conducted by MYOB. This is an upsetting, but not surprising statistic, and it highlights that you are definitely not alone in having these feelings. Why a focus on female business owners? According to the Australia 2016 census, 33% of business owners were female and 67% male, meaning females are hugely underrepresented in business ownership.

Building a business can feel isolating and overwhelming at times. Many people are only aware of business output, rarely do they see or understand the full picture of what goes on behind the scenes. Yes, we love what we do and we love the perks that come with having our own business, but in reality, there is often a lot of hard work, stress, and uncertainty. Hearing stories from other female business owners can help us enjoy the highs but also realise that having difficult days is all part of the journey. Together let’s create a support network and a community where we belong.

The Founder Wellbeing Project Mental Health Support Resources
The Founder Wellbeing Project Mental Health Support Resources


Who is behind The Founder Wellbeing Project?

I am a Kiwi Digital Marketing Specialist based in Gold Coast, Australia. I have been running my own business for several years now and it has definitely been a rollercoaster of an experience with many ups and downs along the way.

When I moved to Australia I started hosting female coworking sessions and soon realised that many of the business owners I met felt the same way. They struggled with challenging times in their business but it wasn’t often talked about.

I decided to start The Founder Wellbeing Project to normalise talking about the challenges and struggles behind running a business because it is all part of the experience.

By sharing our stories I hope more business owners will feel comfortable speaking up when they are going through difficult times because being able to support each other, talk through the challenges and feel less alone can make all the difference.

Suzanne xx

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