The Founder Wellbeing Project business owner imposter syndrome

“I wondered if I had the right to coach in this area when I wasn’t perfect.”

I started my business last year. I had wanted to do this for a long time but I was still struggling with food and my body and wondered if I had the right to coach in this area when I wasn’t perfect. I decided to go for it anyway and got my first client from my very first social media post. It felt great but when I didn’t get another client for 2 months, the self-doubt started to creep in.
I started working on creating an online course. I was putting in a lot of effort behind the scenes while also studying at uni and working full time. I was going live on Instagram every single night as I tried to get this course off the ground. When the course finally launched, it flopped and I broke down. My mental health really suffered and I wondered why I even bothered with this. I took a week off and got on a plane to visit my mum. I cried every day and had a really rough week.

After giving myself a lot of time to think and journal, I came to the conclusion that this is in fact what I really want to do but I also don’t have to do everything at once. I am an introvert so going live on Instagram every evening was exhausting. I explored how I work best and decided that going live once a week would be enough moving forward.
I felt really good by the time I got on a plane home. I had a new sense of purpose and had come to the realisation that I don’t need to be 100% on all the time. I decided to let things happen more naturally, I was no longer in a rush or following a hectic timeline.
I sat down and planned my days. I wrote a list of things that bring me joy outside of work and I blocked time in my calendar for self-care. I made sure I was doing some of the things on my list at least once a day. Things have started to happen more naturally now that I am open to it and I am feeling very positive. I may not have had many clients yet, but the ones I have had have seen massive progress and growth and this reaffirms that I am in the right place.

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